Monday, November 9, 2015

"What To Do When Bored" List

Hey guys!  We know that sometimes you kids get bored. Am I right? So, that is why we made a...

"What To Do When Bored" List
tips added as well

1. write a book
plan the book out before you start the real book
write a sloppy copy before you start typing
practice your drawing skills before the real illustrations

2. make an art project
plan your project
try your project plan a couple of times before the final draft
make sure you are very carful

3. Play one of the games from "Fun Time".
make sure you read the directions
follow the directions
have fun

4. Call a friend over.

figure out what you are going to do together before inviting friends
help them when the need help

remember to let them play what they want to play if they are your guest

5. play outside\ scooter\bike\skates

be careful
wear a helmet at all times
make sure to ask your friend to play

6. Write in a journal
Figure out what you are going to write
draw a picture to go with it
Make a fill-in paragraph for your friend to solve

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Fun Time!

Hi there! Senna and Sarah here! we are here to tell you about how to do fun stuff such as, fun activities, handmade games, and a 'what to do when bored' list! First, we will start with the games Senna and Sarah play together at sleepovers and playdates.

Song Makers


Hi! Senna and Sarah are here to tell you the steps of making a song with your BFF's. Senna's cousin, Amar, usually gets the idea of making a song. It is such a great idea, Senna and Sarah do it too! She is really, really creative. Most of these things are her games that she made up. Senna and Sarah just love her wonderful and creative ideas. She probably will go to Harvard when she grows up. So, here are the steps;

1. Choose what you want your song type to be. You can make it a rap song if you like. It's your song, so have fun with it!

2. Pick a topic about your song. It could be about you and your BFF, a prince and a princess, or even about a book you read!

3. Study your topic and find a word that matches it. Make sure you check if you want it to be your first word in your song.

4. Think of a word that rhymes with it. Write it down on your paper.

5.Think of a tune that goes good with your two words that you made up.

6. Choose a line that goes in between the pause places of your song.

7. Each time you come to the end of your pause place, follow the steps from 2-4.

8. Make your song as long as you want. Enjoy!  



Hi again! For this game,you have to have from 5-10 people with you when you are playing. To make it fun, you can have from 5-20 people playing! Telephone is great for good listeners. Read the steps on how to play it, and you'll see why!

1. Choose the people you want to play with. Remember, 5-10 people!

2. get into a circle and choose who should start.

3. Once you find out who will start, let that person think of a word or a sentance.

4. when he or she chooses their word or sentance, starting with any direction, the person will whisper the word or sentance to the next person.

5. Once you go around the whole circle, the last person has to say it out loud for everyone to hear.

6. If the person says it right they get to start. If not, then the person who started must correct them.

7. Enjoy the game! 


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Storytime Is Starting! #2

Story #2: Swimming Is Super Fun!!

By: Senna and Sarah

When Senna and Sarah went swimming together, they wanted to pretend that they were mermaids.Senna's name was Lily and Sarahs name was Corah. We pretended to have a big sister named Anabelle. When we were finished swimming, we got our notebook we got from Marshalls and started brainstorming and writing down our ideas for this blog. We came up with pretty good things and thats how we have a great blog. I hope you loved hearing Senna and Sarah's adventures. I hope you and your own BFF can make your very own blog!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Storytime Is Starting! #1

Story #1: I Love Notebooks!

By: Senna and Sarah

When Senna and Sarah went to Marshalls together, something caught our eyes! We couldn't believe it! They had the best notebooks in the world! Sarah's mom said that Sarah could only buy a notebook for Senna, so Sarah did. Senna decided to share the notebook with Sarah to write about our friendship stories. We were soooo excited. We wanted to have a notebook to plan our blog! It was the best notebook ever!



Tuesday, June 23, 2015

BFF Introduction Guide

Hello! These are your best blog authors here! We would like to share some of our exiting events and games or activities with you! Enjoy reading our blog and finding out cool activities and stories tht you and your BFF can share together! You may check out my BFF's own blog that she shared with me at! She has a lot of cool games, too! Well, read our blog whenever you want to find awesome activities to do with your friends!

A Little About Senna

Hello! My name is Senna and I'm here to share about myself. First, I have a Brother named Ennes. Next, I have Dark brown hair. Third, I have brown eyes. Fourth, I enjoy luaghing, singing, playing games, and having sleepovers with my BFF, Sarah. Fifth, I love to spend my time jumping over the waves at the beach with my friends. My family names are Sondos my mom, Baraa my dad, Ennes my brother, and finally me Senna! I LOVE to be famous because I am very brave[At least thats what I think]. I hope you adored reading my awesome and lovely paragraph!

A little about Sarah

     Hi, my name is Sarah I am a kind, nice, sweet, smart ,funny person. I have brown long wavy hair and I have light brown eyes. Some of my hobbies are art, reading, singing, and sports like tennis.  I am in 4th grade and  have two crazy brothers, but one normal pair of mom and dad. And don't worry i'm normal too. I also have a great relashionship with my BFF Senna. I enjoy having sleepovers with her and laughing all night long with her while playing her funny games. I have been friends whith her ever since i was born and she never lets me down , and will always be my best friend forever. But one thing you should know about me is that sometimes im really lazy. But don't worry i'm still normal! And thats all about me!